One insight can change the course of your life. In Season 1 (episodes 1 to 10), you’re invited to experience intimate one-on-one coaching sessions with individuals from all over the world. As you listen to their story, you’ll experience shifts and ah-ha moments for yourself causing your own transformation. One person can change the course of your life. In Season 2 (episodes 11 to 20), you’re invited to experience intimate one-on-one conversations with leaders, healers, coaches, and game changers from all over the world. They choose to lead with love. As you listen to their story, you’ll be inspired by their dedication and commitment to what they’re up to. Erin Anderson guides the conversation weaving her background in design and brand, yoga, leadership and spirituality, gracefully generating a powerful exchange. Join Erin, and find how this week’s guest Power To Be.

Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
The Power To Be: Creative Agency
Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
This year was challenging for many of us, and this week’s guest was no exception. Lindsay’s unconditional love, resilience and ability to rise above are an outstanding example of how to weather any of life’s storms.
After moving countries, the primary bread-winner in her family of four, Lindsay lands a job she believes is the one. But the universe has other plans and she loses that job just before the pandemic hits. Panic and worry set in, how was she going to provide for her family?
She took an administrative job, and felt her soul die a little.
But Lindsay is wildly multi-talented and passionate about helping people. She just didn't believe she could make a career out of it. Especially one that's so close to her heart.
Passion often arises out of trauma.
When her second child was born, Lindsay and her husband had to tackle their daughter's feeding aversion - a traumatic experience for all. Unsatisfied with the doctor's diagnosis and treatment plan, Lindsay looked for more options. She found an expert, who became a mentor and inspired her to start her own business - Nourish Consultancy.
Called by her mission to support mothers in restoring and trusting their true instincts and building the confidence to follow it, Lindsay lands in her purpose.
But it isn’t without worry and doubt. Although Lindsay knows this is the right path for her, she keeps her guard up, worried about what storm might come next. The question is, will she let her guard down enough to fulfil her purpose? Will she embrace her power to be creative agency?

Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
The Power To Be: In Flow
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
This week, my guest and I navigate what it means to be caught between competing desires for chaos, disruption and challenge and the desire for constant FLOW.
Carlo grew up in Brazil and was blessed with the comforts of living with his close-knit family and friends, excelling in school and landing a solid job (and a job he liked). Life was great, but Carlo felt pulled in the direction of a childhood dream to travel and live overseas.
On a whim, Carlo ditches the planning, simply responds to that pull and finds himself in New Zealand (where he now calls home). Being entirely in unknown and just figuring it out is where Carlo feels the most alive.
His curiosity keeps him searching for more unknowns and eventually he finds yoga. The yogic combination of movement, spirit and personal awareness changed him and opened him up to possibilities in his life. It made him realize that he can be and do so much more than he ever thought.
But those possibilities don't come without roadblocks. Carlo explains that he feels a lack of challenge in his life. He gets caught somewhere between feeling unchallenged (and un-inspired) and over-efforting.
Will Carlo pivot and let go of the things that aren't serving him? Will he shift away from the ego and into the heart? Tune in to find out.

Wednesday Sep 16, 2020
The Power To Be: Fun
Wednesday Sep 16, 2020
Wednesday Sep 16, 2020
This week, my guest Kerri navigates how to find the balance between being a great mother, wife and business owner while showing up for herself and her own fulfilment.
So we jumped into the thoughts, beliefs and energy she is carrying from her past and her upbringing that are generating limitations in her life.
We talked through beliefs she holds around commitment, responsibility and financial security and how each area feels out of her realm of choice.
She begins to hold on tighter and tighter, causing her to put her dreams on pause. Can you relate?
“It’s an over-responsibility for the fulfilment of others while completely ignoring the fulfilment of you” - Erin
It's inspiring to witness Kerri as she turns inward and recognizes that she is an explorer with incredible curiosity, that she loves to travel and discover new things, and most importantly that she is FREE and FUN.
Being caught up in the responsibilities of life caused Kerri to lose sight of this and live in a transactional way (when I achieve this, I’ll do that). By shifting perspectives, she realizes that she can be all of those things, now.

Wednesday Sep 09, 2020
The Power To Be: Free
Wednesday Sep 09, 2020
Wednesday Sep 09, 2020
This week's podcast guest is a naturally optimistic, kind and generous soul. Well raised with a deep love of family, he is a gem to talk to.
I was so grateful that he let me hear his darker thoughts and admit his feelings of fulfilment.
“Unfulfillment...that is a word hits home at the moment...I relate to that so heavily. I live in this incredible place, I get to snowboard, I get to bike in the summer, it’s so beautiful here, I can surf, I can do everything, yet there's still that unfulfillment, that it’s not quite right” - Alex
Knowing that he has so much abundance around him still doesn't help him tap into his true power.
Entrepreneurship, creativity, artistry and self-expression all call on Alex. He comes to realize that in order to be fulfilled he’ll have to let go of the fears, worries and assumptions he’s placed on what could happen or what others will think if he launches into the life he really desires.
He realizes that the assumptions he’s living by could all be wrong. And when he allows himself to be wrong it opens up his whole life.
By shifting into his spirit, and listening from within versus from outside, Alex can see that the real magic is in his power to be FREE.

Wednesday Sep 02, 2020
The Power To Be: Bright Light
Wednesday Sep 02, 2020
Wednesday Sep 02, 2020
Nic knows what it’s like to live a life that is not aligned to a vision, engulfed in fog, unable to see clearly.
Earlier this year, he found himself in a new country and new home, jobless and lost. He struggled through a tug-a-war between his inner voice and the outer noise of the world.
The voices, opinions and shoulds from friends, family and society clouded his vision. Well-meaning helpers urged him to get a job, make a living, and accept reality. Eventually, he began to believe that settling was the responsible thing to do, and so he accepts a job he has no interest in, pushing him deeper into the fog.
Nic believes he has no choice, he defies his internal compass and goes entirely off-path.
To restore himself, he turns to the ocean.
Surfing is Nic’s saving grace. The ocean reminds him to sink into his own skin and listen to his inner voice. It cradles him, guiding him into a meditative state that is fully connected to Mother Nature. Here, he grounds himself in the present moment and remembers his true calling.
Nic is called to help others connect more deeply with themselves by being with the ocean. Through surf and play, he believes lives can be transformed. In these moments of remembering, he knows what he's meant to do, his purpose is crystal clear.
Yet, there is another hurdle still to break through - the story of his past. Challenges in his childhood and his dyslexia still hold a grip on him. The fear of not doing it right, not knowing how to do it, not being good enough, stop him dead in his tracks.
Nic discovers his true power to be a BRIGHT LIGHT and trusts that this will pull him away from the shoulds, his story, and his fears.

Tuesday Aug 25, 2020
The Power To Be: Myself
Tuesday Aug 25, 2020
Tuesday Aug 25, 2020
On this episode, my guest Shannon shares how she built a story around not being good enough, fuelled by her position as the black sheep of the family. She became committed to her narrative continuously pushing herself to stay small, and humble for fear of coming across as a narcissist.
This old, out-dated story diminished as she grew and became a business owner, a loving partner and a mother, and yet she realizes she's still carrying around some of the old baggage.
Although Shannon reflected on her past and thought, it shouldn’t have been that way, she realizes that in fact, the struggles she faced have become her superpowers, the very things that have given her the grit to face her vocation head-on. She realizes that she's the one to save the flock.
Shannon was told she was crazy to consider her business, Anupaya's, 1-pound promise, to clean up 1-pound of waste for every product sold. She also held the belief that business was cut-throat, male-dominated and money-driven. It was entirely her struggles and her grit that kept her going and led to Anupaya’s clean up of 60,000 pounds of garbage and to Shannon creating an honest business founded on the principles she believes in.
As a businesswoman, loving partner, mother, earth lover and free spirit, Shannon navigates the complexity of how to integrate and understand her inner world and the global landscape.
By digging deep with Shannon and encouraging her to find the thing that restores her, she realizes that her power is to be 100% herself.
“Myself, I guess, not hiding, not perfect, the idea that I could just be me” - Shannon

Tuesday Aug 18, 2020
The Power To Be: Mastery
Tuesday Aug 18, 2020
Tuesday Aug 18, 2020
On this episode, my guest found herself caught between the strong-hold of past mistakes, familial expectations and the over-efforting that comes with answering the call and following a vision. Jennifer found herself circling in a whirlpool, yearning to break free and begin to flow with ease and joy.
She was stuck in the story she created about how her past failures impacted her success and her pathway forward. In an effort to prevent future mistakes, she was overtaken by her need to be an expert before launching into the career and life she most wanted.
Jennifer grapples with her conflicting emotions around her passion and her loyalty. She can't see a way to satisfy both. She wants to pursue an alternative vocation but feels it won't meet her family's expectations of success and status. This creates a sense of over efforting as she toggles the two narratives in her mind.
“How do I learn to stop efforting?" - Jennifer
“There is a distinction, there is the fear-based efforting and then there is the aligned spirit-based efforting. We know that the true spiritual work, that true quest, driving offroad, into the unknown, into the depths of our soul and mind, that takes effort." - Erin
Jennifer was over-riding her own spiritual guidance and asking the wrong questions, How will I earn enough money? What will people think? A simple, yet challenging shift allowed her to see her past mistakes as gifts, to ask the right questions, to believe in herself and follow her dreams.
Join Jennifer and I and listen in as we discover her Power To Be: Mastery

Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
The Power To Be: Great
Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
On this episode, my guest was ready to let go and move forward. That’s all he knew.
Consumed with heavy guilt he'd been carrying since his childhood, he'd limited himself, blocking out his true greatness. He learned of the conditional nature of his family relationships and he identified which responsibilities were his to own, and which were not. He realizes that the very thing that was his motivator for hard work and success was also the very thing that was preventing him from achieving it. Can you relate?
"There are times when I take things on and put pressure on myself and it's just not mine to take on and I'm learning to know where my limits are."
It was a true honour to witness Matt uncover his blocks and discover what it means to be limitless and embrace his true greatness. I have no doubt that there are insights waiting for you.

Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
The Power To Be: Artistry
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
On this episode, my guest showed up willing to explore how her current life situation has been informed by her past, even when it felt uncomfortable. She was deeply honest and brave. As a young professional and adventure seeker, she was feeling the push and pull between family, "should's" and her desire to fully unleash her creative energy. She began to unlock tightly held beliefs that had been passed on from her childhood days. It's a powerful shift to witness as she realizes her full potential.

Thursday Jul 02, 2020
The Power To Be: Radiant
Thursday Jul 02, 2020
Thursday Jul 02, 2020
On this episode, my guest showed up wholeheartedly, courageous and present. As a mother, wife and purpose-driven human, she was struggling to find her light. She felt consumed by the many hats she wears and uncertain how to claim what she truly wants. We navigated some big waves and murky waters that led her to embrace her true radiance.